The popularity of blackjack tournaments is constantly increasing and it's no big surprise that many online casinos offer more tournaments with larger prizes on a regular basis. And by "regular basis" we mean the possibility to take part in an online tournament virtually at any time of the day. However, you have to understand that there are substantial differences between online and land based tournaments, and knowing these differences is very important for any blackjack player
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
The slots operators are threatening to sue
Just as we all used to follow the form of horses - think the Great Depression and the success of Seabiscuit to see we all love a champion - the latest form book covers the race among US states to balance their budgets. Of course, everyone has been focussing on California with Arnold Schwarzenegger leading the charge to the winning post on getting the budget signed into law. He has enough strength for arm twisting and 'gator wrassling to bulldoze the bill through. But Pennsylvania is just as interesting with the Governor's office matching California's use of IOUs by refusing to pay funds to the four state universities. Probably someone somewhere is running a book on which US state will be the first to declare itself bankrupt. These would be the front runners among an alarming number of states lacking initial prudence and the political will to raise taxes, to cut spending, or both.
Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
Play online slots and watch your winnings roll in
Looking round the US right now is a bit like Alice in Wonderland (but not the big-earning version by Tim Burton which looks to beat the one billion mark in takings worldwide). There's a lot of unreality around and it all goes back to one of these pesky idioms, "Trying to get blood from a stone". Let's take it step by step. In the world of boxing, you introduce the fighters according to their corners. So, in the blue corner, you have the lefty socialist liberals and they all want to keep the entitlement spending without increasing taxes. While in the red corner, you have all those Tea Party members who want to do away with government and all its spending on little things like defense and the infrastructure that delivers electricity, drinking water and so on. Oh, and they don't want to raise taxes either. In fact, abolishing big government means no IRS. So, whoever you ask, they all agree it's impossible to raise taxes ("starve the beast" as the GOP puts it) but, without more money coming from somewhere, it will be impossible to balance the budget. Does balancing the budget matter? Well, ask Greece whether they should balance their budget. Once the riots die down, you may have an answer. In the meantime, the world's lenders think Greece will default on its debts. In ten years time, without action from the US government (big or small), the same fear may affect the US power to borrow.
Casino games and certificates of fairness
If you walk into a real-world casino in the US, you can be reasonably sure the games are fair. Each state runs oversight of the casinos' operations and, so far as it can, ensures we all have a reasonable chance of winning. Put another way, real-world casinos have a claim to be transparent. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the online gambling world. Most of the virtual casinos are based in countries interested only in taking the licence fees. This produces a real lack of transparency so that, even when there are legitimate complaints made and the regulators "investigate", there's little to explain what the investigators actually do and how aggressively they enforce control over the casinos in their countries. It's all about killing the goose laying the golden jackpots. If the regulators are an effective police force, the casinos will move their virtual operations elsewhere and the state treasury loses out.
The slots operators are threatening to sue
Just as we all used to follow the form of horses - think the Great Depression and the success of Seabiscuit to see we all love a champion - the latest form book covers the race among US states to balance their budgets. Of course, everyone has been focussing on California with Arnold Schwarzenegger leading the charge to the winning post on getting the budget signed into law. He has enough strength for arm twisting and 'gator wrassling to bulldoze the bill through. But Pennsylvania is just as interesting with the Governor's office matching California's use of IOUs by refusing to pay funds to the four state universities. Probably someone somewhere is running a book on which US state will be the first to declare itself bankrupt. These would be the front runners among an alarming number of states lacking initial prudence and the political will to raise taxes, to cut spending, or both.
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
The slots operators are threatening to sue
Just as we all used to follow the form of horses - think the Great Depression and the success of Seabiscuit to see we all love a champion - the latest form book covers the race among US states to balance their budgets. Of course, everyone has been focussing on California with Arnold Schwarzenegger leading the charge to the winning post on getting the budget signed into law. He has enough strength for arm twisting and 'gator wrassling to bulldoze the bill through. But Pennsylvania is just as interesting with the Governor's office matching California's use of IOUs by refusing to pay funds to the four state universities. Probably someone somewhere is running a book on which US state will be the first to declare itself bankrupt. These would be the front runners among an alarming number of states lacking initial prudence and the political will to raise taxes, to cut spending, or both.
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
The slots operators are threatening to sue
Just as we all used to follow the form of horses - think the Great Depression and the success of Seabiscuit to see we all love a champion - the latest form book covers the race among US states to balance their budgets. Of course, everyone has been focussing on California with Arnold Schwarzenegger leading the charge to the winning post on getting the budget signed into law. He has enough strength for arm twisting and 'gator wrassling to bulldoze the bill through. But Pennsylvania is just as interesting with the Governor's office matching California's use of IOUs by refusing to pay funds to the four state universities. Probably someone somewhere is running a book on which US state will be the first to declare itself bankrupt. These would be the front runners among an alarming number of states lacking initial prudence and the political will to raise taxes, to cut spending, or both.
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
The slots operators are threatening to sue
Just as we all used to follow the form of horses - think the Great Depression and the success of Seabiscuit to see we all love a champion - the latest form book covers the race among US states to balance their budgets. Of course, everyone has been focussing on California with Arnold Schwarzenegger leading the charge to the winning post on getting the budget signed into law. He has enough strength for arm twisting and 'gator wrassling to bulldoze the bill through. But Pennsylvania is just as interesting with the Governor's office matching California's use of IOUs by refusing to pay funds to the four state universities. Probably someone somewhere is running a book on which US state will be the first to declare itself bankrupt. These would be the front runners among an alarming number of states lacking initial prudence and the political will to raise taxes, to cut spending, or both.
Minggu, 04 April 2010
Google Hacks
Everyone loves Google, and it's the first place many people turn to locate information on the Internet. There's a big gap, though, between knowing that you can use Google to get advance information on your blind date and having a handle on the considerable roster of fact-finding tools that the site makes available. Google Hacks reveals--and documents in considerable detail--a large collection of Google capabilities that many readers won't have even been aware of. Want to find the best price on a pair of leg warmers? Try the Froogle price-searcher that's hidden within the Google site. Interested in finding weblog commentary about a particular subject? Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest call your attention to the special Google syntaxes for that purpose. This book makes it clear that there's lots more to the Google site than typing in a few keywords and trusting the search engine to yield useful results.
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Sabtu, 03 April 2010
Beginning BlackBerry Development
Are you a Java programmer looking for a new challenge and money-making opportunity? If so, Beginning BlackBerry Development may just be the book for you. This book will teach you everything you need to know to start developing apps that run on the BlackBerry family of devices and smartphones. With over 50 Million BlackBerry devices sold and the launch of the new BlackBerry App World, there has never been a more exciting time to get into BlackBerry application development.
Assuming only some programming background in Java or a similar language, this book starts with the basics, offering step-by-step tutorials that take you through downloading and installing the BlackBerry development environment, creating your first Apps, and exploring the BlackBerry APIs.
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Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Design Patterns is a modern classic in the literature of object-oriented development, offering timeless and elegant solutions to common problems in software design. It describes patterns for managing object creation, composing objects into larger structures, and coordinating control flow between objects. The book provides numerous examples where using composition rather than inheritance can improve the reusability and flexibility of code. Note, though, that it's not a tutorial but a catalog that you can use to find an object-oriented design pattern that's appropriate for the needs of your particular application--a selection for virtuoso programmers who appreciate (or require) consistent, well-engineered object-oriented designs.
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UML for Database Design
(Pearson Education) Text in UML for database design, using a running case study throughout the text to illustrate key concepts and techniques, with appendices containing the actual UML models from the case study. Discusses everything from moving to the business system model to creating tables from classes. Softcover. DLC: Database design.
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Selasa, 30 Maret 2010
Windows Vista Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Hacks
Windows Vista may be the next big thing, but it still contains enough quirks and unaccountable behaviors to vex anyone. This unique guide not only discusses the most irritating features of the latest Microsoft operating system and how to get around them, but also explains how to improve Windows and do more with the software than Microsoft intended. You'll find information on setup, installation, upgrade from other Windows versions, the revamped interface, new security features, user accounts, troubleshooting, and the markedly improved Internet Explorer 7. Other chapters cover a wide range of key topics: Media Center - tips on photos, videos, music, TV tuners, HD, and the media center engine The Registry - explains the background and tools for working with Windows' database of settings Tinkering Techniques - offers hacking-style customization and problem-solving topics Networking and Wireless - includes LAN setup, WiFi sniffers and access points, connection sharing, firewalls, routers, and FTP Scripting and Automation - introduces simple programming using the Windows Scripting Host for automating repetitive tasks No other book takes our patented cranky, solutions-oriented approach. Our collection of tips, tools and techniques will improve your experience with Windows Vista, so you can control the OS -- rather than the other way around.
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Network Security Hacks
This information-packed book provides over 100 quick, practical, and clever things to do to help make your Linux, UNIX, or Windows networks more secure today. It goes beyond securing TCP/IP-based services by providing intelligent, host-based security techniques. Loaded with concise but powerful examples of applied encryption, intrusion detection, logging, trending, and incident response, Network Security Hacks demonstrates effective methods for defending your servers and networks from a variety of devious and subtle attacks. Learn how to detect the presence (and track every keystroke) of network intruders, new methods for protecting your network and data using strong encryption, and even techniques for laying traps for would-be system crackers. Important security tools are presented, as well as clever methods for using them to reveal real, timely, useful information about what is happening on your network. The devilishly effective security hacks in this book will keep your 12-hour days from becoming all-nighters.
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Windows XP Hacks
Windows XP is the latest, most reliable, and best-looking version of the Windows operating system to emerge yet. As the result of the unification of Microsoft's corporate series (Windows NT and 200) with the home series (Windows 95, 98, and Me), Windows XP offers much that is pleasing to its users: rock-solid stability and a fresh new look. But power users who want to take command of their operating systems will find the same old frustrations: it's never been easy to get under the hood of a Windows system and Windows XP is no exception. Now power users can rejoice! Windows XP Hacks offers tips, tools, and know-how to bend Windows XP to your will. The book delves into XP topics such as controlling the control panel, changing unchangeable icons, removing uninstallable XP components, stopping pop-up ads, taking a bite out of cookies, speeding up file downloads, protecting yourself with firewalls and proxy servers, and more. Users of both Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Pro Edition will find smart, timesaving, fun, and useful hacks for virtually every feature in their operating system. Even if you're not a power user yet, this book will have you well on your way.
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Pay Pal Hacks
If you've bought or sold items through eBay, or through hundreds of other online sites, then you're familiar with PayPal, the online payment service. With PayPal, a valid email address, and a credit card or bank account, you can easily send and receive payments online. Not a bank or financial institution itself, PayPal describes its service as one that builds on the financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards, and using advanced propriety fraud prevention systems, creates a safe, global, real-time payment solution. Put simply, PayPal provides the means for people to conduct financial transactions online, instantly and securely.
But there's more to PayPal than meets the eye. PayPal Hacks shows you how to make the most of PayPal to get the most out of your online business or transactions. Authors Shannon Sofield of and PayPal evangelist David Nielsen guide you through the rigors of using and developing with PayPal. Whether you're building an ecommerce site using PayPal as a transaction provider, or simply trying to pay for an eBay auction without getting burned, PayPal Hacks will give you the skinny on this leading global online payment service.
The collection of tips and tricks in PayPal Hacks shows you how to find or even build the right tools for using PayPal to buy and sell on eBay or as a transaction provider for ecommerce on your own site. Written for all PayPal users, from those just starting out to those developing sophisticated ecommerce sites, this book begins with the basics such as setting up your account, then moves quickly into specific tips and tools for buyers, sellers, and developers.
With PayPal Hacks, you can:
Learn extra steps to help protect yourself while buying or selling on eBay
Save time and money with advanced tips and undocumented features
Learn dozens of easy-to-follow procedures to help you request and receive payments and fill orders
Use PayPal to handle subscriptions, affiliate systems, and donations
Create and customize your customers checkout process
Effortlessly integrate PayPal s shopping cart system into your own website
Implement digital fulfillment with Instant Payment
Notification (IPN) and Payment Data Transfer (PDT)
Develop and distribute ecommerce applications with the
PayPal API
Each hack consists of a task to be accomplished or a creative solution to a problem, presented in a clear, logical, and task-oriented format. PayPal Hacks provides the tools and details necessary to make PayPal more profitable, more flexible, and more convenient.
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JBoss AS 5 Development
The JBoss Application Server is a Java EE-certified platform for developing and
deploying Java Enterprise applications. JBoss Application Server provides the
full range of J2EE 1.5 features as well as extended Enterprise services including
clustering, caching, and persistence. This book will show Java EE developers how
to develop their applications using the JBoss Application Server. It covers topics
such as:
• Setting up a development environment
• Customization
• Java EE programming modules
• Clustering
• Security
All these features will be explored by developing sample and intuitive applications
built using the friendly interface of Eclipse and JBoss Tools.
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JBoss In Action

One of the things you quickly realize when you work with any of the technologies cov-
ered by the Java EE umbrella is that many things are part of the specification, and
some things are left as “implementation details” or left up to the implementer’s dis-
cretion. In practice, this means that any time you learn a Java EE technology, besides
learning the fundamentals about that technology, you also need to learn how to apply
or configure the technology in the environment in which you wish to deploy it. If your
deployment environment of choice is the JBoss Application Server, then this book is
for you because it covers those areas that are outside the scope of the specifications.
In this book, we cover a wide variety of technologies and show you how to config-
ure those technologies specifically for use in the JBoss Application Server. Naturally,
this can’t be done in a vacuum, so we provide simple examples that illustrate the tech-
nology and then walk you through the steps necessary to configure things such as
deployment descriptors, access control, and encryption. Our intent isn’t to describe
every nuance of any particular technology. For that, we recommend that you read
books particular to those technologies (and we provide references at the end of most
chapters). Instead, use this book to learn how to use the technology within the JBoss
Application Server.
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Epson ESCP Printer Command
Download Part 1
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Learning Yahoo User Interface
Welcome to the first chapter of "Web Development with the Yahoo! User Interface
Library". Throughout this book, we'll be exploring what makes up the library and
what it can do for you. By implementing a selection of the available utilities and
controls, we can see exactly how each one works and what functionality and tools it
leaves at your disposal.
During this chapter we're going to introduce ourselves to the library by taking an
overall view of it. The topics that we are going to cover include:
How to get the library, where to get it from, how to install it, and how to
work with it in your own web pages.
Where it came from, what inspired its creation, who made it, and the core
ideas behind it.
Exploring the library and investigating what components form its
constituent parts.
Where we can find important information and news about the library and
places where we can go to for help if we need it.
The gallery, where you can see who else is using it and what they've been
able to achieve.
The licensing issues that surround its legal use.
Who would make the most of it.
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Learning ExtJS
Ext JS was developed by a unified team of programmers working toward a single
goal—to provide a consistent core user interface and interaction library. Because of
this, the code used for different functionalities and widgets is more coherent than in
some other JavaScript libraries. Ext JS really shines in making web applications easy-
to-use and intuitive. If you are a web application developer, it's a great library to
have in your arsenal.
We start by outlining how to download and configure the Ext JS library. Covering
everything from the simplest alerts to complex grids, layouts, and forms, this book
will enable you to start creating rich, interactive web applications.
We will use plenty of real-world examples that can be applied immediately to your
ongoing projects. Sample code is broken down to its simplest form, allowing us to
concentrate on learning the usage of the library. By the end of this book, we will end
up with a sample application that uses the full spectrum of Ext JS components.
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Syngress Nmap In The Enterprise Your Guide To Network Scanning Jan 2008
About ten years ago I was working as a Network Administrator managing a
medium size network. One of my first tasks in this position was to create a network
asset database for all network devices. We already had a high-priced, although
functionally deficient, network management tool that just wasn’t making the cut.
Using the output from the management tool as a starting point I began painstakingly
connecting to each network device, and documenting them to inventory the
network. This also involved a lot of hours physically traversing buildings, basements,
and wiring closets. Finally, it seemed that I had visited every nook and cranny and
identified every router, bridge, switch, hub, and archaic telecommunications device
retrofitted to the network. For security, I wrote a UNIX script to connect to the
known devices and disable physical ports that weren’t being used and enable security
features on the devices. This is when things started to get complicated. Suddenly
the help desk phones started ringing and people were complaining of lost network
connectivity. Alas, there were even more devices out there that we didn’t know
about! Luckily the UNIX script was easily reversible. After hearing my woes that
evening a “hacker” friend of mine pointed out a new tool for scanning networks
that he read about in Phrack magazine. It was a bit controversial, but it was free
and it looked like it could do the job. The next day became my first experience
with Nmap, a network scanner, and since that day it has been making my life a
whole lot easier.
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Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO
I hope that this HOWTO will become as readable as the ones by Rusty Russell of (amongst other things) netfilter fame.
You can always reach us by writing to the HOWTO team. However, please consider posting to the mailing list (see the relevant section) if you have questions which are not directly related to this HOWTO. We are no free helpdesk, but we often will answer questions asked on the list.
Before losing your way in this HOWTO, if all you want to do is simple traffic shaping, skip everything and head to the Other possibilities chapter, and read about CBQ.init.
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Java Transaction Book
There are many varieties of custom enterprise Java applications
that exist in the world today. While some of these applications
are simple web-based applications leveraging a few local Java-
Beans or POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), many are
sophisticated n-tiered applications using commercial or open
source application servers leveraging frameworks such as remote
Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), messaging using JMS (Java Mes-
saging Service), or even Spring. While some of these
sophisticated enterprise applications work fine, most seem to
suffer from random and sometimes unexplainable data integrity
problems including incorrect account balances, multiple orders
shipped to a customer, orders “lost” by the system, and general
data synchronization issues between tables in a database. These
types of problems are usually caused by an ineffective or miss-
ing transaction management strategy.
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SCJP Sun Certified Programmer For Java 6 Exam 310_065
This book is organized in such a way as to serve as an in-depth review for the Sun
Certified Programmer for both the Java 6 and Java 5 exams, for experienced Java
professionals and those in the early stages of experience with Java technologies. Each
chapter covers at least one major aspect of the exam, with an emphasis on the "why"
as well as the "how to" of programming in the Java language. The CD included with
the book also includes an in-depth review of the essential ingredients for a successful
assessment of a project submitted for the Sun Certified Java Developer exam.
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Senin, 29 Maret 2010
The Definitve guide to ireport
I n the early days of JasperReportsTM development, users had to manually edit report template files,
and the only visual tool to help them see what they were doing was the built-in report design pre-
view tool.
Of course, JasperReports, as a content-rendering library, was, and still is, mainly a developer
tool that provides reporting functionality to JavaTM applications that need it. Developers are used
to working with source code files and XML, so not having a visual tool at the time did not prevent
them from downloading JasperReports and using it right away.
But as things moved forward and JasperReports provided new features to its users, it soon
became apparent there was a need for more advanced tools that would simplify report design work
and make it more enjoyable.
I started to work on such a tool myself at the time and realized that the complexity of the proj-
ect and the effort required would probably distract me from what I was doing on JasperReports. I
decided to not take up this challenge of creating a visual designer for JasperReports and continued
to concentrate on the report engine.
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Jasper Report FOr Java Developer
task of evaluating reporting tools for a project he was working on. The existing
solutions that he found were too expensive for his project's budget. Therefore, he
decided to write his own reporting tool, JasperReports, which has now become
immensely popular, and is currently one of the most popular (if not the most
popular) Java reporting tool available.
JasperReports is an open-source Java class library designed to aid developers with the
task of adding reporting capabilities to Java applications by providing an API to facilitate
the ability to generate reports from any kind of Java application. Though primarily
used to add reporting capabilities to web-based applications, it can also be used to create
standalone desktop or command-line Java applications for report generation.
This book steers you through each point of report setup, to creating, designing,
formatting, and exporting reports with data from a wide range of datasources, and
integrating JasperReports with other Java frameworks.
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Practical PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is one of the most successful open source databases available. It is arguably also the most advanced, with a wide range of features that challenge even many closed-source databases.
This book is intended to be a practical guide to PostgreSQL v7.1.x, though most of the book should also apply to earlier and future releases of PostgreSQL. The content is focused on getting you comfortable with PostgreSQL in the most expedient fashion possible. Although we will touch on some academic database subjects, such discussion will be kept brief. Our core focus is to provide the reader with enough of an understanding of PostgreSQL to manage a fully operational PostgreSQL database. Our hope is that by introducing this book to the community we will provide a better understanding of PostgreSQL and its functionality.
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PostgreSQL By Korry Douglas, Susan Douglas
The definitive guide to working with the powerful PostgreSQL open source database system.
PostgreSQL leads the reader through the internals of the powerful PostgreSQL open source database. Throughout the book, readers will find explanations of data structures and algorithms, each backed by a concrete example from the actual source code. Each section contains information about performance implications, debugging techniques, and pointers to more information (on Web and in book form). The reader will find an easy to read, code-based approach that makes it easy to understand how each feature is implemented, how to best use each feature, and how to squeeze more performance from database applications. Previously announced in 2/03 catalog. Korry Douglas is the Director of Research and Development for Appx Software. Over the last two decades, he has worked on the design and implementation of a number of high-level languages and development environments. His products interface with many relational (and non-relational) databases. Working with many different database products (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MSQL) has given him a unique understanding of the commonalties of, and differences between databases.
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Begining DataBase With PostgreSQL
This book is all about one of the most successful open-source software products of recent
times, a relational database called PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is finding an eager audience among
database aficionados and open-source developers alike. Anyone who is creating an application
with nontrivial amounts of data can benefit from using a database. PostgreSQL is an excellent
implementation of a relational database, fully featured, open source, and free to use.
PostgreSQL can be used from just about any major programming language you care to
name, including C, C++, Perl, Python, Java, Tcl, and PHP. It very closely follows the industry
standard for query languages, SQL92, and is currently implementing features to increase
compliance with the latest version of this standard, SQL:2003. PostgreSQL has also won several
awards, including the Linux Journal Editor’s Choice Award for Best Database three times (for
the years 2000, 2003, and 2004) and the 2004 Linux New Media Award for Best Database System.
We are perhaps getting a little ahead of ourselves here. You may be wondering what exactly
PostgreSQL is, and why you might want to use it.
In this chapter, we will set the scene for the rest of the book and provide some background
information about databases in general, the different types of databases, why they are useful,
and where PostgreSQL fits into this picture.
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Solaris Perfomance And Tool
Over the past decade, a regrettable idea took hold: Operating systems, while interesting, were a finished, solved problem. The genesis of this idea is manifold, but the greatest contributing factor may simply be that operating systems were not understood; they were largely delivered not as transparent systems, but rather as proprietary black boxes, welded shut to even the merely curious. This is anathema to understanding; if something can't be taken apartif its inner workings remain hiddenits intricacies can never be understood nor its engineering nuances appreciated. This is especially true of software systems, which can't even be taken apart in the traditional sense. Software is, despite the metaphors, information, not machine, and a closed software system is just about as resistant to understanding as an engineered system can be.
This was the state of Solaris circa 2000, and it was indeed not well understood. Its internals were publicly described only in arcane block comments or old USENIX papers, its behavior was opaque to existing tools, and its source code was cloistered in chambers unknown. Starting in 2000, this began to change (if slowly) heralded in part by the first edition of the volume that you now hold in your hands: Jim Mauro and Richard McDougall's Solaris™ Internals. Jim and Richard had taken on an extraordinary challengeto describe the inner workings of a system so complicated that no one person actually understands all of it. Over the course of working on their book, Jim and Richard presumably realized that no one book could contain it either. Despite scaling back their ambition to (for example) not include networking, the first edition of Solaris™ Internals still weighed in at over six hundred pages.
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Solaris Solution For System Administrators
* Covers the latest release of Solaris, Solaris 9, as well as earlier versions
* Written by experts with years of Solaris experience
* Packed with practical, hands-on solutions to tough problems, showing how to avoid costly mistakes
* Tackles managing system performance; the Sun Fire line of Solaris enterprise servers; installing, configuring, and patching Solaris; and ensuring security
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Complete Reference Solaris 10
T version of the enterprise network operating system developed by Sun Microsystems.
Solaris 10 is now free for all users, making it just as accessible as competing, “free”
UNIX-style systems, such as Linux, and pay-per-seat systems such as Microsoft Windows.
Each chapter provides a concise overview of the technologies that comprise Solaris 10, a
review of the typical operations used for installation and configuration, worked examples,
and a command reference. While it is not possible to provide information on every
command—the online reference material at is excellent, after all—
this book provides you with easily accessible examples, where the reason why you might
use certain commands is clearly explained. This is usually what is missing from man pages
and other system documentation, which are designed to be concise.
This reference is divided into six parts that cover all of the tactical activities associated
with Solaris 10 system administration. The sections are roughly ordered by complexity
and timeline—for example, you need to install a system and application software before
implementing security plans and setting up logical volumes, usually in preparation for
deployment of enterprise applications into a networked environment.
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Solaris Application Programming
Whether you're new to performance analysis and optimization or an experienced developer searching for the most efficient ways to solve performance issues, this practical guide gives you the background information, tips, and techniques for developing, optimizing, and debugging applications on Solaris.
The text begins with a detailed overview of the components that affect system performance. This is followed by explanations of the many developer tools included with Solaris OS and the Sun Studio compiler, and then it takes you beyond the basics with practical, real-world examples. In addition, you will learn how to use the rich set of developer tools to identify performance problems, accurately interpret output from the tools, and choose the smartest, most efficient approach to correcting specific problems and achieving maximum system performance.
Coverage includes
* A discussion of the chip multithreading (CMT) processors from Sun and how they change the way that developers need to think about performance
* A detailed introduction to the performance analysis and optimization tools included with the Solaris OS and Sun Studio compiler
* Practical examples for using the developer tools to their fullest, including informational tools, compilers, floating point optimizations, libraries and linking, performance profilers, and debuggers
* Guidelines for interpreting tool analysis output
* Optimization, including hardware performance counter metrics and source code optimizations
* Techniques for improving application performance using multiple processes, or multiple threads
* An overview of hardware and software components that affect system performance, including coverage of SPARC and x64 processors
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Begining JavaSE 6 Platform From Novice To Professional
The remaining nine chapters organize features into the following categories: core libraries, GUI toolkits: AWT, GUI toolkits: Swing, internationalization, Java Database Connectivity, monitoring and management, networking, scripting, and security and web services. While exploring these chapters, you will encounter a variety of useful and interesting topics: introducing a new locale with its own currency, creating a new JConsole plug–in, creating a scripted JEditorPane component, invoking and communicating with JavaFX Script and JRuby scripts from a Java application that interacts with the Scripting API, signing an arbitrary XML document and validating a signed document’s XML signature, and accessing an existing web service are examples.
With a few exceptions, each of Chapters 2 through 10 alphabetically organizes its topics for convenient access. Furthermore, all ten chapters end with a “Test Your Understanding” section that provides questions and exercises to help you reinforce your understanding of what you have read.
Additional features are covered in the first three appendixes. The first appendix introduces you to annotation types for annotation processors, Common Annotations 1.0, and several tables that conveniently organize additional annotation types that are new to Java SE 6. The second appendix explores changes made to various Java tools. For example, the java compiler tool now supports annotation processing—you learn how to take advantage of this capability by writing your own annotation processor. Another example: you learn how to interact with the command–line script shell. The third appendix looks at a variety of performance enhancements, ranging from a fix for the gray–rect problem to single–threaded rendering.
The second–last appendix provides answers and code to all of the questions and exercises in the various “Test Your Understanding” sections. And the final appendix anticipates Java SE 7 by looking at features most likely to make the cut, including closures, the Java Module System, and the Swing Application Framework.
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Ibatis In Action
environments. Within a single company, software will often be developed in many
different ways. When you consider the various challenges, people, and tools that
make up a developer’s day-to-day world, you quickly realize just how diverse that
world is. I never know what surprising challenges the next consulting project will
bring, so I always keep a variety of tools in my toolbox. For a few years, iBATIS was
just a little chunk of code that saved me some time when I would normally be
handcoding JDBC.
So how did iBATIS go from being a tool in my toolbox to an Apache project
used by thousands? I had never intended to make iBATIS a full-blown open source
project. The source was out there, but I hadn’t marketed it or actively shared it
with anyone. Enter JPetStore.
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Java Persistence With Hibernate
nized not only as the definitive book on Hibernate, but also as the definitive work
on object/relational mapping.
In the intervening time, the persistence landscape has changed with the
release of the Java Persistence API, the new standard for object/relational map-
ping for Java EE and Java SE which was developed under the Java Community Pro-
cess as part of the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 Specification.
In developing the Java Persistence API, the EJB 3.0 Expert Group benefitted
heavily from the experience of the O/R mapping frameworks already in use in
the Java community. As one of the leaders among these, Hibernate has had a very
significant influence on the technical direction of Java Persistence. This was due
not only to the participation of Gavin King and other members of the Hibernate
team in the EJB 3.0 standardization effort, but was also due in large part to the
direct and pragmatic approach that Hibernate has taken towards O/R mapping
and to the simplicity, clarity, and power of its APIs--and their resulting appeal to
the Java community.
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Hibernate Search In Action
Hibernate Search is a library providing full-text search capabilities to Hibernate. It
opens doors to more human friendly and efficient search engines while still following
the Hibernate and Java Persistence development paradigm. This library relieves you
of the burdens of keeping indexes up to date with the database, converts Lucene
results into managed objects of your domain model, and eases the transition from a
HQL-based query to a full-text query. Hibernate Search also helps you scale Lucene in
a clustered environment.
Hibernate Search in Action aims not only at providing practical knowledge of Hiber-
nate Search but also uncovering some of the background behind Hibernate Search’s
We will start by describing full-text search technology and why this tool is invalu-
able in your development toolbox. Then you will learn how to start with Hibernate
Search, how to prepare and index your domain model, how to query your data. We
will explore advanced concepts like typo recovery, phonetic approximation, and
search by synonym. You will also learn how to improve performance when using
Hibernate Search and use it in a clustered environment. The book will then guide you
to more advanced Lucene concepts and show you how to access Lucene natively in
case Hibernate Search does not cover some of your needs. We will also explore the
notion of document scoring and how Lucene orders documents by relevance as well
as a few useful tools like term highlighters.
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Mastering Dojo Jun 2008
Over the past couple of years we’ve seen new technologies redefine the
rules of server-side web app development. It’s the client’s turn. Get
ready to throw out your current “customs” of client-side development.
With Dojo, we’re entering a new era of browser-based applications.
Dojo is a set of tools that helps you build better browser-based applica-
tions. Dojo is built mostly using client-side JavaScript, and it expands
the capabilities of the modern browser (and even Internet Explorer) far
enough that the line between local, native applications and browser-
based applications has all but disappeared.
This is a pretty significant statement. It means that browser-based
(and, therefore, web-based) user interfaces can be made indistinguish-
able from those included with the best local, native applications. And it
means that the user interface of local applications can be implemented
in the browser rather than through one of the heavy, platform-sensitive,
and complex native GUI frameworks (Windows, Tk, Qt, Fox, AWT, SWT,
Swing, Cocoa, and the rest).
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Dojo Javascript Library
If there is one lesson to be learned from the Dojo Toolkit, it is “Be careful what you
wish for!”When we first started Dojo, we had the modest goal of creating a JavaScript
toolkit that would be useful and would prevent expert JavaScript developers from having
to reinvent the wheel.With the buzz and excitement that would soon follow with the
emergence of the term Ajax, we quickly found ourselves as the creators of a toolkit used
by thousands and thousands of developers and millions of users in a very short time.
In the case of any project or company that grows much faster than expected, there are
growing pains along the way. It has taken Dojo nearly 18 months to address and solve
most of the issues caused by its rapid success: performance, comprehension, ease of use,
and documentation. Open source projects are notoriously bad at both marketing and
documentation, and Dojo was initially no exception to the rule.With each release from
Dojo 0.9 to 1.1 and beyond, documentation and API viewing tools have improved sig-
nificantly and are now something we’re proud to have rather than being a blemish to the
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Programming Scala
There are so many languages that you could use to program the JVM.
In this book I hope to convince you to take the time to learn Scala.
The Scala language has been designed for concurrency, expressiveness,
and scalability. The language and its libraries let you focus on your
problem domain without being bogged down by low-level infrastructure
details like threads and synchronization.
We live in a world where hardware is getting cheaper and more power-
ful. Users now have devices with multiple processors, each with multi-
ple cores. Although Java has served us well so far, it was not designed
to take advantage of the power we have on hand today. Scala lets you
put all that power to use to create highly responsive, scalable, perform-
ing applications.
In this introduction, we’ll take a quick tour of the benefits of functional
programming and Scala to show you what makes Scala attractive. In
the rest of this book, you’ll learn how to use Scala to realize those
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Definitive Guide To Lift
Welcome to Exploring Lift. We’ve created this book to educate you about Lift, which we think
is a great framework for building compelling web applications. Lift is designed to make
powerful techniques easily accessible, while keeping the overall framework simple and flexible.
It may sound like a cliché, but in our experience, Lift development is fun because it lets you
focus on the interesting parts of coding. Our goal for this book is that, by the end, you’ll be able
to create and extend any web application you can think of.
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Begining Scala
Ouch! That hurts my brain! Stop making me think differently. Oh, wait . . . it hurts less now. I get it. This different way of solving the problem has some benefits. I felt that way after my firstz year of law school. I felt that way for a while when I began coding Scala. What’s this Option thingy? Give me back my null! How do you get the fifth element from a Seq? On and on it went. Day after day of head-splitting paradigm changing and breaking 30 years of coding habits, I am somewhat at peace with the Scala way of coding. Yes, my coding habits were borne out of 6800 machine code coding. Talk about imperative coding. That’s all you’ve got when you’ve got an accumulator, a program counter, and an index register. I grew up through BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Objective-C, and Java. And along comes this Scala stuff, this functional-objective way of thinking, these compositional design patterns. Who thought this wacky stuff up?
After more than two years of coding Scala, I’ve come to understand that the Scala idioms are really better. My brain has finally stopped hurting. I’ve finally stopped fighting for flow of control statements. I see that it’s more important for me to take small elements and compose them together into complex systems. I understand that if a method always returns the same output given the same input, I can safely glue that function together with other functions into a very complex structure. I understand that explicit looping in my code is a distraction from the business logic that is buried in the code. My path was hard, and I hope yours will be easier.
The first step in writing Scala is not being afraid of the fact that Scala’s going to warp your brain. The next step in writing Scala is accepting that your code is going to look like Java, Ruby, Python, whatever code for a while. It will take you time and effort and more time to code Scala using the idioms in this book. It will take you time to design code that fits into Scala paradigms and to discover and devise paradigms of your own. It will take time but hopefully less time thanit took me.
This book is for you. It’s my attempt to show you a different way of thinking about and writing code. I hope that you’ll enjoy our journey through Scala together. I hope that by the end of this book you’ll have a new perspective on coding. I hope that you’ll be writing better code and fewer lines of code yet be happier about the code that you’re writing. So, come along. Stick that little toe in the Scala waters and see if they feel as good for you as they have for me.
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MySQL DataBase Usage And Administration
MySQL is nearly 15 years old, and now it is the ubiquitous database system for websites and many other environments. MySQL really is everywhere. Yet, it remains remarkably easy to get started with MySQL. If you just need to run it on a home system for an application that requires it, you can simply install MySQL with no further worries. But this apparent simplicity can be deceiving!
When you build a website with it or otherwise use it for aspects of a business, you need to get things better than “just running.” MySQL offers many features and quite a few settings, and there are plenty of issues to consider in and around database-driven systems. Many businesses get an expert to help with setup and keeping an eye on things as the system grows over time; however, many people are interested in knowing a bit more about the systems they work with—or at least rely on. Chances are you’re one ofthose people, since you're holding this book.
Unlike a reference manual containing all features in “dry” form, MySQL Database Usage & Administration provides practical and easy-to-read information to look up and use while you work on something. Building on his earlier work, MySQL: The Complete Reference, Vikram covers the basics as well as many advanced and new features of MySQL 5.1, with examples and clarifications. It’s a valuable resource you’ll want to keep within reach on your bookshelf.
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MySQL Administrator Bible
Welcome to the MySQL Administrator’s Bible. Like all books in the Bible series, you can expect to find both hands-on tutorials and real-world practical application information, as well as reference and background information that provide a context for what you are learning. This book is a comprehensive resource on MySQL database administration. It covers almost every conceivable topic of database administration from the very basics, including server installation and user management, to some fairly complex topics such as security and high availability. By the time you have completed the MySQL Administrator’s Bible you will be well-prepared to perform as a database administrator. This book fully covers MySQL 5.1 plus early features of the 6.0 release (as of the time of writing). All of the examples work in both MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 6.0, except where noted.
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High Performance MySQL
We had several goals in mind for this book. Many of them were derived from think-
ing about that mythical perfect MySQL book that none of us had read but that we
kept looking for on bookstore shelves. Others came from a lot of experience helping
other users put MySQL to work in their environments.
We wanted a book that wasn’t just a SQL primer. We wanted a book with a title that
didn’t start or end in some arbitrary time frame (“ Thirty Days,” “Seven Days To
a Better...”) and didn’t talk down to the reader. Most of all, we wanted a book that would help you take your skills to the next level and build fast, reliable systems with MySQL—one that would answer questions like “How can I set up a cluster of MySQL servers capable of handling millions upon millions of queries and ensure that things keep running even if a couple of the servers die?”
We decided to write a book that focused not just on the needs of the MySQL appli-
cation developer but also on the rigorous demands of the MySQL administrator,
who needs to keep the system up and running no matter what the programmers or
users may throw at the server. Having said that, we assume that you are already relatively experienced with MySQL and, ideally, have read an introductory book on it. We also assume some experience with general system administration, networking, and Unix-like operating systems.
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